Thursday, January 20, 2011

~Pillow for Christmas~

Just wanted to share a picture of a pillow I made for my Mother-In-Law for Christmas. It was a fun and easy project.

I am hoping to make a lot of home made items for Christmas this year. The sad thing about that is,...I should probably get started NOW! As slow as I am it will take me all year but I LOVE home-made things and when you put something you made with someones gift, it really means a lot,....anyway, I think it does.
Hope you all have a Fabulous Day!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year Everyone!
I am so excited for 2011!
Like everyone I have made many New Years Resolutions like,....get more organized, get on a better schedule so I will be using my time better, save money, complete some home improvement projects that I have been wanting to do, cook healthier meals, spend more time with the family just having fun, and so on and so on, the list never ends.
There is one resolution that I have made for myself and also for Baxter.
To Loose a few pounds!
Poor Baxter, he has really been enjoying all of the yummy holiday food just like his owner,(me) and it has taken it's toll on both of us.
So wish us luck as we begin the new year with plans to get a little healthier.
I will keep you posted on how we are doing. (I will let you know how Baxter is doing for sure.)We want to wish you all a Very Happy and Healthy New Year and I Hope All of Your Hopes and Dreams for 2011 Come True!!!
See you in Blog Land